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All Your Favorite Books In One Place 📚 News Back To Home 合作译者招募:复旦大学出版社国家社科基金中华学术外译项目        中华学术外译项目是国家社科基金项目的主要类别之一,主要资助代表代表中国学术水准、体现中华文化精髓、反映中国学术前沿的学术精品,以外文形式在国外权威出版机构出版并进入国外主流发行传播渠道,旨在发挥国家社科基金的示范引导作用,深化中外学术交流和对话,进一步扩大中国学术的国际影响力,促进中外文明交流互鉴。   为提高外译项目实施的针对性和有效性,外译项目采取选题推荐制,每年由国内有关出版机构报送,并经全国哲学社会科学工作办公室组织专家评审,公布新一期项目推荐选题目录,供申请人参考执行。在新近公布的《2023年国家社科基金中华学术外译项目申报公告》中,复旦大学出版社共有7种图书入选,充分体现了复旦社“学术立社,精品原创”的出版宗旨。   合作译者条件 副高职称或博士学位 国内具备副高级以上专业技术职务或博士学位的科研人员 相关学术背景或成果 在拟翻译作品所属研究领域有相关学术背景和学术成果 一年以上学习工作经历 在官方语言为翻译对象语种国家一年以上学习工作经历         复旦大学出版社在2024年1月10日之前接受各界译者的申请,并对译者资格进行初步审核(专业背景),审核通过后,会指定拟翻译作品的核心章节,请译者提供翻译样章。出版社会组织相关专家评审译文质量,同时结合译者履历,确定最终合作者,并在正式立项后,签订委托翻译合同。 Due Date 2024年1月15日至25日         2023年外译项目网络填报系统于2024年1月15日至25日开放,逾期不予受理。复旦大学出版社正式开始对外招募译者及申报工作,为了便于各界专家学者了解选题情况及申报细节,特整理如下。 合作译者申请 近代中国的资本市场:生成与演变 作者: 朱荫贵 出版日期:2021年8月 内容提要         近代中国是一个变动剧烈的社会。其中最重要的变动之一是传统农业经济结构向大机器工业转变。这种变动需要的巨量资金从何而来?在此过程中,传统金融机构如钱庄、新式金融机构如银行、直接融资市场如证券交易所等各发挥了什么作用?其手段和特色如何?近代工商企业自身在筹集资本和运营中有些什么措施?与他国相比又有些什么特点?       要找到这些问题的答案,就需要对近代中国的资本市场进行深入的研究。遗憾的是,此前的研究虽对这些问题有所涉及,但或流于某一个领域、某一时期,或局限于史实叙述,而缺乏整体的考察和从经济金融角度进行的分析。本书集作者多年经济史和金融史的研究心得,对近代中国的资本市场进行了全面、深入的探讨,希望能够填补此方面的空白。       本书分上下两编。上编四章依次围绕近代中国资本市场的主体——钱庄、银行、证券交易所和企业自筹资金的几种方式展开,力图勾勒出近代中国资本市场从诞生到演变的全过程。下编五章主要从近代中国资本市场的受体也就是与资本市场发生密切关系的近代新式工业企业的视角进行分析,揭示其在发展过程中资本筹集、经营运作以及与资本市场之间发生的各种关系。全书对近代中国工业企业在资本市场支持不足的特定背景下所处的困境和自救措施也进行了阐述,同时考察了与资本市场没有关系或很少发生关系的官办企业和民间合伙制企业的经营运转,并与依赖资本市场生存的企业进行比较研究,以使整部书稿更具全面性和说服力。 边疆史地十讲 作者: 姚大力 出版日期:2022年8月 内容提要          边疆史地研究是在继承晚清因边疆危机刺激而兴盛起来的“西北舆地之学”的基础上发育起来的。这一学术传统所关注的空间范围不仅涵盖广袤的边疆中国,也包括历史上曾与中国边疆发生密切交往的中国境外的方域山川、人事名物。本书选录的十篇论文,写作和发表的时间跨度长达二十余年,或可反映作者在“考证旧闻,触发新意”方面的长期努力。 中国古代阐释学研究 作者: 周裕锴 出版日期:2019年6月 内容提要 […]

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Delegation of Fudan University Press Visited Europe and Promote International Cooperation

All Your Favorite Books In One Place 📚 News Back To Home Oct. 24, 2023,Yan Feng, CEO of Fudan University Press Co., Ltd. led a delegation to University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (FH Campus) Wien Vicerector for Internationalisation. Pro.Dr. Evelyn Süss Stepanic welcomed the delegate from FUP, and the two parties exchanged views on

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Xiaoming Wu

WU Xiaoming is Professor of Philosophy at Fudan University. He specialises in Marxist philosophy, German Idealism, philosophical hermeneutics, and philosophy of history. He is also a leading scholar elaborating on the concept of social reality in the context of China.

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Shangli Lin

Lin Shangli (PhD in Political Science) is Vice-Chancellor of Fudan University, and Chief of International Research Center of Chinese civilization Management Committee. He is a distinguished Professor of Fudan University, and also one of Changjiang Scholars who enjoy the special allowance of the State Council. Professor Lin mainly engaged in political theory, comparative politics and contemporary Chinese political studies.

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Zhaoguang Ge

Ge Zhaoguang is Distinguished Professor of Fudan University, Shanghai, China. He received his B.A. and M.A. degrees from Peking University in 1982 and 1984, respectively. He was Professor in the Department of History of Tsinghua University, Beijing, from 1992 to 2006.

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Yumei Wen

Specialized in Confucian culture, studied Zhu Zixue in the early years, and published works such as “Zhu Zi Da Biography”, “Zhu Xi Chronicle Book” and “Zhu Xi’s Lost Poems and Essays”.

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Li Jin

Jin Li (Chinese: 金力; born 1963) is a Chinese geneticist and academic administrator, currently serving as president of Fudan University since 2021. Jin joined Fudan University from the University of Cincinnati in 2003 to serve as dean of the Fudan University School of Life Sciences. He previously served as the university’s executive vice president from 2019 to 2021, vice president from 2007 to 2019, and dean of the Graduate School from 2007 to 2011. Jin is a professor at the National Human Genome Center and Fudan’s Institute of Genetics, both in Shanghai. He is the principal investigator of East Asian populations for the Genographic Project which collects DNA samples to map historical human migration patterns around the world.

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Xide Xie

Xie Xide (March 19, 1921 – March 4, 2000) was a native of Quanzhou, Fujian, a solid-state physicist, educator, and social activist. She was a member (academician) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, an academician of the Third World Academy of Sciences, the former president of Fudan University, and the former president of Shanghai Sanda University.

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Fujia Yang

Yang Fujia (Chinese: 杨福家; 11 June 1936 – 17 July 2022) was a Chinese nuclear physicist. He was an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a renowned nuclear physicist and a Chancellor of the University of Nottingham, England. He was President of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC).

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