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Delegation of Fudan University Press Visited Europe and Promote International Cooperation

Oct. 24, 2023,Yan Feng, CEO of Fudan University Press Co., Ltd. led a delegation to University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (FH Campus) Wien Vicerector for Internationalisation. Pro.Dr. Evelyn Süss Stepanic welcomed the delegate from FUP, and the two parties exchanged views on international affairs and publishing business. Elisabeth Brunner Sobanski, Head of International Relations and Professor Wolf-Dieter Rausch, from Eurasia-Pacific Uninet also participated in this meeting.

On Oct. 25, local time, The delegation from FUP visited the Confucius Institute at the University of Vienna, where they met with Prof. Dr. Richard Trappl (李夏德先生), Austrian Director of the Confucius Institute, and Eurasia-Pacific Uninet Vice-President Padraig Lysaght, and Ms. Fu Yu from Drachenhaus Publishing House. The two sides exchanged views on Sino-Austrian cultural, academic and copyright cooperation

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